Personal Grooming

Personal Grooming Services Provided By HRS

Personal Grooming

Personal Grooming

Services Description

For our dear seniors who have physical limitations and/or cognitive deficiencies, or who worry of falling while in the bathroom, having help maintaining a bath-time routine can provide another level of confidence and safety . Our home-care services enhance clients’ mental and physical well-being, helping them feel positive about their appearance and hygiene.

Hair – Keep hair in an easy to care for style. Try washing hair at the kitchen sink (it could be easier compared to washing in the tub or shower). A hose/spray attachment will make rinsing easier.

Nails – Encourage people with Alzheimer’s Disease to continue trimming fingernails and toenails. When you take over, do it twice a month. Let them watch TV or listen to music so that you will get more cooperation from them when trimming their nails. Consult a podiatrist every 6 months to monitor things that give them discomfort when walking (bunions, calluses, etc.).


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